Učíme energetiku mluvit jedním jazykem
Hardmin CONTROLBEE 4.0. udělá
z vašich zařízení pracující včelky

Správa vaší
na pár kliknutí?
Získejte první energetický audit vaší domácnosti.
S HARDMIN CONTROLBEE 4.0. to nebude žádný problém.

Intelligent driving of your buildings and projects
The first energy audit for your business.

What we can do that others can’t...
For all large and small
and individuals
It doesn’t matter if you are a business owner with thousands of employees or a private homeowner with a PV system.
We have a tailor-made solution for everyone!
Extensive permission settings
Multi-level notifications
Monitoring warranty conditions
Destiny 4.0
An intuitive mobile solution you can understand!
Welcome to the world of HARDMIN CONTROLBEE 4.0 and applications
DESTINY 4.0, a revolutionary combination that puts simple control and efficiency right in your hands. Keep track of everything in one place.
The DESTINY 4.0 app, specifically designed for the HARDMIN CONTROLBEE 4.0 module, is conceived with maximum user-friendliness in mind to make it easy to use for everyone, regardless of your technical skills.

Ready for the:

How does it actually work?
You can control devices from all our supported manufacturers in one place, including appliances or photovoltaic panels.
ControlBee 4.0
We connect all the required devices to a module that collects and processes their data. It then sends them to the online storage.
Encrypted data is automatically transferred to a secure online cloud, allowing constant remote access and management for users.
The data is instantly accessible in the Destiny 4.0 app, which clearly provides information and control over your energy system.
Savings households without and with module CONTROLBEE
More about the module
LBEE 4.0

plnobarevný IPS displej 1,3"
tlačítka pro ovládání
2x oddělená sběrnice RS485
3x výstupní relé pro chytré řízení
uchycení na DIN lištu
minimalistické provedené, pro integraci do stávajících rozvaděčů
2x signálový vstup - 230V (HDO, NT, VT, apod.)
logický výstup, PLC, řízení / chlazení střídačů apod.
integrovaný napájecí zdroj modulu (-230V)